Nicole Ross

Life Long Learner

Assessment for Learning


Transforming Assessment – BC’s New Curriculum

BC’s K-12 Assessment System – BC’s New Curriculum

Dylan Wiliam – YouTube – Assessment for Learning

Dylan Wiliam – YouTube – Assessment Strategies

Dylan Wiliam – YouTube – Formative Assessment

Assessment: The Bridge Between Teaching and Learning – from Voices in the Middle, Volume 21, Number 2, December 2013

During my 490 practicum I had the opportunity to attend a workshop about assessment for intermediate teachers. It was at this workshop I learned about triangulation assessment, product, conversation, observation.

I made it my goal for my 491 practicum to practice these assessment strategies. An example of observation during my practicum was during a science experiment. I communicated and wrote on the board that the learning goals of that class were working collaboratively with their group. Each student should have a job and be working together as a group. I walked around and observed all of the groups working together or if some groups needed my assistance working together I would help problem solve and then write a note in my assessment sheets. I assessed students conversation during a French language learning activity. Students were learning how to say what activities they liked to do and activities they did not like to do in French. During this activity, students had previously written down their name, their likes, their dislikes in French. In this class, their goal was to interview three classmates. So they would take turns reading out their interviews. I walked around listening to the interviews and assessing students on their conversations. For assessing a product, in science while learning about Newton’s three laws of motion students picked a sport or activity that they liked to do and stating how this activity connected to Newton’s three laws of motion. Students presented their learning on a poster with the information and pictures.

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