Nicole Ross

Life Long Learner

Standard 1

Educators value the success of all students. Educators care for students and act in their best interests.

During my 491 practicum, I did a novel study unit using human rights themed books. Students had the choice to choose from five human rights themed books and one graphic novel. Giving the students choice allowed students to choose a novel that they were interested in and a novel that was in accordance with their reading strengths. Students then had the opportunity to sit with their peers during a literature circle to discuss the books they had chosen and to hear their peer’s perspectives on the same novel. During the novel study, students choose a minimum of two novels to read and create projects from literary devices that they learned about, such as characterization. Students then created an ideogram that connected the events from the two novels and the students’ lives. This novel study gave students choice, flexibility, and differentiation within the unit.

Characterization Poster from the novel, Bud, Not Buddy by Christoper Curtis

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